Grade 9 ChromeBook Distribution

Welcome Grade 9s to KCI !

We are excited  you are joining us and looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you to KCI.

As part of your learning journey in high school, we are pleased to provide each grade 9 student (for both in person and distance learners) with a Chromebook to keep and care for for their high school career to use as a learning tool for all of their courses.

Friday. August 28 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Parents and students –

Find your way to KCI Glasgow Parking Lot (Behind the KCI and beside Don McLaren Arena)

We will have student leaders there to welcome you and issue you your WRDSB Chromebook.

We require that you bring:

  • One piece of identification
  • Great KCI school spirit!

We look forward to meeting you!