January 12th, 2021
Dear Quadmester 3 and 4 Secondary Distance Learning Program (SDLP) Students,
For our new distance learning students; welcome to the program! We can’t wait to have you connected to your quadmester 3 teachers soon.
For our returning students, we are looking forward to working with you again in our secondary distance learning classrooms in quadmesters 3 and 4.
We have some important information and updates about the program to share with all of our SDLP students. For general information, the Secondary Distance Learning Guide will help you find answers to topics we have not covered here.
Student Timetables
Guidance staff at all 16 home secondary schools are currently registering students into distance learning courses. As you are registered for a course you will receive an automatically generated email confirming your registration in that course. Do not worry if you receive emails saying you are added or removed as such changes may happen as a result of Guidance doing their work to make sure you are in the right courses.
In some cases, students may be waitlisted for courses despite our best efforts in the next few working days, and you will receive a message notifying you of your status. Distance learning administrators will try to add sections as quickly as possible to move students from waitlists into classes and you will receive a confirmation email once that occurs.
If your counselor cannot schedule you into a specific DLP class (not available, full, conflicts with other courses), they will connect with you as soon as possible to help select another option.
We hope to have all timetables finalized by the week of January 18.
Getting Familiar with the Virtual Learning Environment
We encourage all quadmester 3 and 4 distance learning students to gain familiarity with the WRDSB Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) platform called “Brightspace” prior to February 4.
VLE Orientation
This video will provide an overview of the VLE platform and help students get oriented with this tool.

How to log in to VLE
To access the VLE, students can go to https://wrdsb.elearningontario.ca and login with their WRDSB email address and password.

What to expect on the first day of quadmester 3
SDLP teachers will be online to welcome students on the morning of February 4. Instructions for the first virtual meet for the course will be posted by the teacher in the VLE or by email. During this first meeting the teacher will provide an overview of their course, and share what to expect in the Secondary Distance Learning Program (SDLP). For students who are unable to log in, the teacher will follow up with a phone call to assist with any technology needs or problem solving.
For families who requested technology-free learning, these phone calls will allow for the distance learning teachers to connect and discuss daily schedules and how materials will be received and returned.
For the remainder of the quadmester, distance learning students should plan for the following daily schedule. For the quadmester 3 and 4 distance learning calendars, refer to the SDLP website:
Please remember to check the SDLP Guide frequently for the latest updates and more information.