Wednesday, February 3 is a PD Day for secondary students

Wednesday, February 3 is a professional development (PD) day for secondary school staff. Secondary students will not engage in synchronous learning. Secondary teachers will participate in virtual activities reflecting on our Strategic Plan and Operational Goals for Student Achievement and Well-Being, in addition to finalizing assessment, evaluation and reporting for Quadmester 2 and the planning […]

Director of Education John Bryant Announces Retirement

John Bryant, distinguished Director of Education for the WRDSB today announced his retirement, effective May 31st, 2021. Throughout his long career in Education, which included leadership in numerous other school districts, John has always kept students the centre of his focus. His consistent vision for their well-being and educational success has been honoured and acknowledged […]

KCI Students are Invited to Attend the City of Kitchener (Virtual) Youth Drop In Program

CITY OF KITCHENER’S YOUTH DROP IN IS BACK…VIRTUALLY! The Thursday night Youth Drop In program is now online! Starting Feb 4, 2021 – Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM COME HANG OUT WITH CITY OF KITCHENER YOUTH STAFF, PLAY GROUP GAMES, CHAT AND SO MUCH MORE! For more information see the Youth Drop In Flyer 2021

Remote Learning Extended Until February 10, 2021

WRDSB schools will continue remote-learning until at least February 10th, 2021. This decision is based on current directions from the Ministry of Education and the advice of public health experts with the intention of slowing the spread of COVID-19. Any further extension to the period of remote learning will be determined by the Ministry of […]

Province Extends Distance Learning in the WRDSB

Today, Stephen Lecce, the Minister of Education, announced that school closures and distance learning will continue for students in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) and select other school boards across the province to help limit the spread of COVID-19. What we know Students in the WRDSB will continue distance learning until further direction […]

Responding to the Events of Inauguration Day: Resources for Families and Students

Today with the peaceful inauguration of President Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris taking the oath of office as the first Black and South Asian woman Vice President of the United States, we witnessed both history and the transition of executive power in the United States. This process has been difficult and sometimes violent. The news […]

Educational Assistant and Child & Youth Worker Appreciation Day

Today, the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) marks Educational Assistant and Child & Youth Worker Appreciation Day. Educational Assistants (EAs) help to deliver educational programs and provide support to students in our schools, while Child & Youth Workers (CYWs) work with children who face a variety of social, emotional and behavioural challenges. Our EAs […]

Parenting Essentials Video Series with Parents for Children’s Mental Health

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) and Parents for Children’s Mental Health are proud to announce the Parenting Essentials video series, featuring recordings of webinars that took place in the fall of 2020. The first video in this series offers an overview for any parents, and caregivers, interested in learning more about the complexities […]


With the recent closure of our school, Nutrition for Learning has announced that they will be switching back to their Pop-Up Snack deliveries to local school and community locations to serve the need for healthy food for students who would normally rely on our student nutrition programs. For more information please refer to the Nutrition […]

Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Event – January 19

As part of our ongoing Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy, we are inviting parents and caregivers to attend a webinar on January 19, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. In partnership with Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Program from St. Mary’s Hospital, the Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC) as well as the Waterloo Region Police Service, this event marks […]

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