KCI Rocks at Sears Drama Festival

KCI Drama’s Sears Festival production of “Hamlette” won Outstanding Production at this year’s District Sears Drama Festival, which means the production moves on to represent our entire District at this year’s Regional Festival in Barrie scheduled for April 13th – 18th. The KCI team also received two Awards of Excellence for our Set/Production Design and the cast’s Focus […]

Green Industry Program Earns Skills Competition Gold

At last week’s local Skills Canada Competition, KCI students earned a solid first place in the Landscaping Construction Competition. KCI representatives will move on to compete in the Provincial Skills Competition to be held at RIM in May in both Landscaping Construction and Floral Design.  Congratulations Raider Competitors!

KCI Music Performs Their Way to Musicfest Canada

Congratulations to the KCI Jazz Band (directed by Mr. Matt Morris) and to the Senior Wind Ensemble (directed by Mr. Steve Surian) for attaining Silver ratings at Provincial Bandfest in London on March 11th. The KCI Concert Band (directed by Mr. Steve Surian) also showcased exceptional musicianship and received a Silver Plus rating and an […]

March 26 – Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test Administration

On Thursday, March 26, Grade 10 students will write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), as well as senior students who have yet to complete this graduation requirement. In order to create a positive environment that will optimize the conditions for successful completion of the OSSLT, the instructional school day for all students at […]

Co-Premier Elections – Candidate Applications due March 24

KCI Co-Premier elections will take place from April 7th – 10th, 2015. The Co-Premier Pre-Election Package and the Co-Premier Application and Reference documents can be found here. Any student who has questions after looking at the election package and Application and Reference documents should see Mr. Windsor in the main office. Deadline for application submission is March 24.  […]

After-school activities – CANCELLED – March 3

Due to inclement weather, all extracurricular activities scheduled at KCI and for after school today, are cancelled.

Student Activities Survey

What impact does the Student Activities Council have on the lives of KCI students? Your council wants to know. Complete the KCI Student Activities Survey (link below).   Help us make KCI a better place and even better school for every student!  Your responses are confidential. You will not be able to submit the survey until all the questions are […]

Building Skills to Navigate the School Years

The WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is excited to announce its 4th annual family event, Building Skills to Navigate the School Years workshop, to be held Saturday April 18, 2015 at Bluevale Collegiate. Featured keynote speaker is Lesley Andrew (Canadian singer, actress and motivational speaker) who will address “Overcoming Obstacles and Beating the Odds”.  Other workshops include Raising Money Smart Kids, Anxiety in […]

February 23 – All schools open & buses are running

Transportation is running and schools are open today.

Why were our schools closed Friday?

The WRDSB has put in place a frigid temperature threshold in our severe weather procedure primarily for three reasons related to the safety of our students:

1. According to Environment Canada, at -35C exposed skin can freeze within 10 minutes. Environment Canada indicates that in temperatures between -28 to -39 there is a high risk of exposed skin freezing (frostnip or frostbite). This temperature is very unusual for our region and some students may not have the appropriate clothing to protect themselves.

2. Most students will take longer than 10 minutes to walk to school and the bused students may wait for an extended period of time should any bus be delayed.

3. We are unable to guarantee crossing guard service to our students as individual crossing guards have a right to maintain their safety given that they are exposed for extended periods of time in frigid temperatures.

The Education Centre remains open and is fully operational.

Read more about Why were our schools closed Friday? »

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