Physical Education Courses at KCI offer a wide range of options for all participants. We strive to make classes fun for everyone!
Courses are offered that encourage developing a healthy lifestyle through group activities, individual fitness, outdoor adventure, leadership, recreation and in class healthy living and exercise science lessons. We want students to enhance their competence in a variety of skills so they are confident in being active daily – beyond their high school years.
Health and Physical Education Overview
The Health and Physical Education (HPE) program promotes healthy active living and enjoyment while students regularly participate in a variety of engaging physical activities. All HPE courses help students understand how their personal actions and decisions will affect their health, fitness, and well-being.
These courses also address relevant health issues and provide students with a wide range of activities that encourage fitness, the development of daily living skills as well as personal competence.
Students participate in four distinct but related strands within an HPE course:
- Movement Competence – develop personal movement skills and strategies
- Active Living – focuses on active participation, physical fitness and safety
- Healthy Living – improve knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions related to healthy growth and sexuality, lifelong health and personal safety
- Living Skills – develop a “sense of self” related to personal skills, interpersonal skills and critical and creative thinking
All students have access to programs that will suit their individual needs and will enhance their lives beyond high school:
The Specialist High Skills Major Program in Health and Wellness offers the opportunity for students to explore specific skills and training in the areas of: child and youth work, early childhood education, educational assistant, paramedic and other paramedical training, biomedical engineering training, chiropractic, dentistry, pharmacy, certified fitness training, medical office reception as well as a fitness instructor training
- Personal Fitness Courses offers the opportunity for students to explore their own personal fitness along with learning about the current trends in health and fitness opportunities
- Outdoor Education provides students with the opportunity to challenge themselves in a variety of activities that encourage interaction with the environment while attaining the skills needed for enjoyment and personal safety
The Ministry of Education endorses HPE as an integral part of any high school program. In fact, up to two credits in health and physical education can now count towards the 18 compulsory credits needed to earn a high school diploma.
All students are encouraged to take at least one credit in HPE each year of high school.
Students in a health and physical education course have the opportunity to:
- develop a positive attitude to lifelong healthy active living and the capacity to live satisfying, productive lives
- develop personal life-management skills such as teamwork and communication which support other subject areas and life beyond high school
- increase self-esteem and the ability to cope with stress
Health and Physical Education allows you to:
- challenge yourself to be better in both physical and personal skills
- learn to deal positively with daily stressors
- open the door to unique activities that will support lifelong participation
- be active on a daily basis
- discover potential areas of employment
Course Descriptions
- Students are required to take one health and physical education course for their high school diploma.
- Students may take more than one course at most grade levels.
- See the course descriptions and flow chart on the side menu for each grade level.
Grade 9
Healthy Active Living – PPL 1OX/1OG / PPL 1OY/1OB
This course emphasizes regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living. Students will learn movement skills and principles, ways to improve personal fitness and physical competence, and safety and injury prevention They will investigate issues related to healthy sexuality and the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and will participate in activities designed to develop goal-setting, communication, and social skills.
Sticks/Team Sports – PPL 1OS
This course emphasizes regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living. Students will learn movement skills and principles specific to stick and team sports (lacrosse, field hockey, ball hockey, broomball, ice hockey…etc). Students will learn ways to improve personal fitness and physical competence, and safety and injury prevention. They will investigate issues related to healthy sexuality and the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and will participate in activities designed to develop goal-setting, communication, and social skills. This course is coed and open to all levels of experience, however, students must have their own full set of hockey equipment.
Grade 10
Healthy Active Living – PPL 2OX/2OG / PPL 2OY/2OB
Personal Fitness – PAF 2OG/2OX / PAF2OY/2OB
Grade 11
Healthy Active Living – PPL 3OX/3OG / PPL3OY/3OB
Personal Fitness – PAF 3OG/3OX / PAF3OY/3OB
Outdoor Education – PAD 3OW
Grade 12
Personal Fitness – PAF 4OI/B
This course teaches students how to develop a personalized approach to healthy living. Students will examine the factors that affect their own health and the health of others as members of the community. They will learn about the components of the TOTAL fitness approach to healthy living – which promotes a balanced lifestyle. Throughout this course, students will learn up-to-date instructional techniques and incorporate these skills into individualized fitness programs. These programs will include cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and strength training.
Exercise Science / Kinesiology – PSK 4UI
Athletic Leadership – PLF 4MI
KCI Health and Physical Education Course Options and Selection
Fitness Room
Fitness activities provide many positive health benefits. The facilities at KCI are some of the best in the county and have attracted a significant number of participants. Many students who use the facilities are training for various team sports or are exercising to become more fit while others work out to help relieve stress.
KCI fitness rooms are OPEN
Times to be announced.
Fitness Membership Cost is $30.00 for one semester and can only be purchased on a per semester basis. The student must also have purchased a KCI Student Card.
Please be advised that this fee is significantly less than those for a membership in community facilities and goes towards the maintenance and purchasing of new equipment.
Membership Requirements:
1) Obtain a membership form from the HPE Office.
2) Return completed form and payment to Mrs. Werner in the Health and Physical Education Office.
3) Follow posted guidelines which include: appropriate apparel, returning all weights to their proper storage location when not in use, reporting any misuse of equipment and, using the equipment as it was designed to be used. In addition, the student agrees to refrain from the use of banned substances while using the facility.
Note: Students must be trained in the safe and proper use of the equipment in order to avoid injury. Students who have taken a Health and Physical Education course will have the basic knowledge required to use the facilities safely. For those who have not taken an HPE course, an orientation session is mandatory and will be provided by a member of the HPE staff. It is highly recommended that if a student is uncertain about how to use a particular piece of equipment or how to perform an activity that he/she request the assistance of an HPE teacher.
Teacher supervision is required for students to use the fitness rooms. Each student must workout with a partner since it is unsafe for a student to use the fitness room alone. The rules for use of the rooms and equipment are posted and students not following these rules risk losing their fitness room privileges.
CPR/AED Training
There are a number of opportunities to acquire varying levels of certification in First Aid and CPR/AED Training at KCI.
GRADE 9 : All students will be trained in CPR/AED as part of their healthy active living course.
GRADES 11 & 12 : Select courses may offer an opportunity for certification and/or re-certification.
Specialist High Skills Major Program (Health and Wellness): Will receive certification in Standard First Aid and CPR/AED.
- 3 separate gymnasia with space for four classes
- one cardiovascular room with Life Cycles, spin bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines, and rowing machines
- class set of stability balls, mats, skipping ropes, hand weights, exercise and yoga mats
- washrooms with showers
- designated Health Room
- a newly renovated field with equipment shed that can accommodate multiple classes
- use of Cherry Park, Victoria Park, Iron Horse Trail, Waterloo Park
- Don McLaren Arena beside the school utilized for broomball, ice skating & hockey
- easy access to many facilities that create excellent opportunities for our students’ physical education needs: Waterloo Recreational Centre, Breithaupt Community Centre, the Family Fitness Club, the K-W Badminton Club, the K-W Granite Club, Westmount Golf and Country Club, Kitchener City Hall, Billiards Halls, Bowling Alleys